i've been wearing the same bracelet every day for well over two months now. often in addition to other bracelets, and often by itself. it's a simple silver cuff i bought at the museum of modern art years ago that reads "Art is dead, Dada Triumphs"
Right now my bracelet is currently in the possession of one of my friends, and i felt so strange today walking around without it. it's such a small and insignificant thing, the trip i purchased it on wasn't especially memorable, or life changing, but i've grown so accustomed to the feel of that piece of metal around my right wrist that without it there i felt lopsided and oddly uncovered. (my ring on my left middle finger is also something i wear daily and feel strange and awkward without)
i ended up going out today and finding a similar bracelet. to keep the space there when i go away to kyoto the day after tomorrow, until i can see my friend again and get my bracelet back.
its so strange how such an insignificant small item can have such a big effect on how you feel about how you are interacting with your outside environment.
and the funny thing is, i don't even like the dada movement as much as i did years ago when i purchased the bracelet, and hardly ever wore it.